dimanche 5 mai 2019

Mechanical Engineering Principles

Engineering Mechanics books pdf

Mechanical Engineering Principles

Mechanical engineering refers to the body of knowledge related to mechanics, the physical sense (movement sciences) and the technical sense (study of mechanisms). This field of knowledge ranges from the design of a mechanical product to the recycling of the latter through manufacturing, maintenance...

Mechanical Engineer Degrees
Licenses and Masters in Mechanical Engineering
University degree in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (GMP)
University Diploma in Quality Technology, Industrial Logistics and Organization (QLIO). (former OGP: Organization and Management of Production)
University degree in Materials Science and Engineering (SGM)
Senior Technician Certificate, Industrial Product Design (IPC)
Higher Technician Certificate, Industrialization of Mechanical Products (IPM)
Scientific Baccalaureate, Engineering Sciences (SI)
Bachelor's degree Industrial Science and Technology (STI)
Bachelor of Industrial Product Studies and Definitions (EDPI)
Bachelor Technician (TU)



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